Thomas Bollmann Photographer and Ceramicist

"For many people, I think collaboration opens up new doors to creating things they might not have done otherwise."


About Thomas:

Thomas Bollmann is a multidisciplinary artist and photographer/DOP. His fine art practice is centred in sculpture.

Trained in Berlin at Best Sabel School of Design, Thomas earned his diploma in photography and photo design in 2002. In 2004 he moved to Toronto where he continued his work in visual art. His awards and recognitions include the selection of his image "Tattoo" as the featured image for the European Month of Photography 2010, a Design Exchange Award for Best in Show in 2011, and recognition from the Design Exchange for his work as the lead photographer of Poor But Sexy magazine from 2009-2012. Thomas' work in photography has been shown at the Künstlerhaus Bethanien and is held in private collections in North America and Europe.

Additionally, Thomas’ sculptural practice involves the use of Raku techniques in the formation of organic shapes. He is interested in the layering of textural components, through the use of slips and other media, to add tactility to his works. His pieces play with weight and form and often involve large vessels with small openings for the odd branch. Most of all he is fascinated that through fire, water and mud one can shape meaningful figurative objects in a digital age.

